Friday, June 5

still as "The Other Woman"

Yes! I am still his "The Other Woman" and will forever be his "The Other Woman". He owns my heart and has me in control, most of time. I am his beck and I shall please him in all ways I could by making him happy every time we met.

Under consideration relationship? Yes to majority but the only difference between us is there is LOVE. We love each other to the bits and if the impossibilities between us are non-existent, I think we are meant for each other even I aware that he has "The Girlfriend". However, the impossibilities are real. We are not meant for each other in matrimonial aspects. Sometimes I would cry at the cruel joke God plays on me. But then again, this happens in every day lives. "The Other Woman" are only victims of male power, detachment and appetite, I realized. When after all we decided to-go-in love relationship and stay in, at the end it is just a hanging relationship. Fake laughter in front of him is such a blooded pain, clearly on my eyes that he is not only mine. Apparently, I am sharing with "The Girlfriend" and it is more pain decision that i tend to live for. But I believe in his sincere heart, he is not a cheater even he is in extra relationship affair. Part of me, I know he shall not playing with my heart...but he just did! He is a typical guy, same like most of man. This is what he has been prove to me instead clear things out with explanations. Karma will get me one day, either it is a luck or bad luck. The happiness we always yearn for are far beyond our reach. Miracles happen only to a minority and dreams come true to people who are born lucky.

The grass is always greener on the other side...

Thursday, June 4

semua tentang kita

waktu terasa semakin berlalu
tinggalkan cerita tentang kita
akan tiada lagi kini tawamu
untuk hapuskan semua sepi dihati

ada cerita tentang aku dan dia
dan kita bersama saat dulu kala
ada cerita tentang masa yang silam
saat kita berduka, saat kita tertawa

teringat di saat kita tertawa bersama
cerita semua tentang kita...

ada cerita tentang aku dan dia
dan kita bersama saat dulu kala
ada cerita tentang masa yang silam
saat kita berduka, saat kita tertawa